Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hypnosis World Summit

Did you ever wonder how you could use more of your brain?  I sure have.

I mean, if you're  only using  10%, seems like there must be a way to do some truly great things with all that gray mattersitting inside your head, right?

Well, I've found out that self hypnosis is one way to tap into the power of your brain and use it for something really important -
-- something life-changing!

And I'm hooking you up with 20 of the best teachers who will show you how to bring about some pretty big changes in your life.

I never realized just how many ways self hypnosis can help.  And I'm excited, because not only will I be able to take these classes, but I'm also able to share them with YOU!

For example, did you realize you can use hypnosis for things like

* Managing pain
* weight Loss
* Reducing Fear
* Improving Study Skills
* Increasing Self-Confidence
* Clearing Cluttter
* Managing Diabetes
* Improving Sports Performance
* Attracting Abundance
* Supercharging the Law of Attraction
* and much, much more.

I don't know about you, but the clearing clutter and managing diabetes really surprised me!

Well, now you can discover how to use this skill to unlock the incredible power of your mind during the 10-day online Hypnosis World Summit.

Registration is absolutely FREE, and you'll get access to all 20 hypnosis audio training sessions.

Go ahead and get registered right now so you'll find out when the classes YOU  need are running.

I'll be there, so be sure to let me know what your like best
about the calls you attend.


PS Remember, this self hypnosis audio series is absolutely FREE,
but you can't hear a single life-changing class until you register!

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